by Chris Smith | Jul 9, 2020
Who or what do you credit when your writing is going well? Who or what do you blame when your writing is going badly? Either way, understanding where you are on the locus of control will help you reach better conclusions about yourself, your writing – and what you can...
by Bec Evans | Jul 7, 2020
Writing advice is confusing. There’s no one sure-fire approach to productivity – there are many, and to make it worse writing tips are often contradictory and damn right conflicting. So, whether you want to go large or small, stick or quit, single or multi-task – try...
by Bec Evans | Jun 23, 2020
Over the years we’ve answered many hundreds of questions from all types of writers. On the surface, a scholarly writer might not have much in common with a playwright, but underneath they are often thwarted by the same constraints on their time, plagued by...
by Chris Smith | May 19, 2020
You want to feel proud of your writing – of course you do. High standards are admirable. Attention to detail is necessary. But as Voltaire said, “the perfect is the enemy of the good”. When diligence tips over into perfectionist nit picking, guilt...
by Chris Smith | Apr 28, 2020
If you’re safe and well, lockdown might seem like the perfect opportunity to write – all that time you never had – but in reality, keeping your focus can be tough. There are new interruptions and we get distracted by anxious thoughts. If you want to...
by Bec Evans | Mar 25, 2020
Distraction is a problem at the best of times. Writers can struggle to focus when there’s so much competing for our attention. Now, in an uncertain environment, when people are anxious, juggling new responsibilities and ever-changing priorities it’s harder...