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You have less time than you think – and that’s OK

You have less time than you think – and that’s OK

Feeling time-poor, burned out and unable to concentrate on your work in progress? Changing how you feel about the time you have can transform your writing practice. It all starts with noticing. No time to write The most common complaint we hear from writers is that...
Writing systems: finding yours, why it matters

Writing systems: finding yours, why it matters

Everybody writes differently but one thing’s the same. The writers who have a more balanced, easier and less wrung-out relationship with writing have all developed some kind of personal system to keep them going and to stop them from stalling. Before lockdown I used...
How to make time to write – 4 approaches to finding time

How to make time to write – 4 approaches to finding time

Learn about four approaches that other writers use to make time to write, try these simple exercises to find time in your busy schedule, and make the most of what time you have. How writers make time to write Some of us are short on time while others have too much....
How to set a writing goal: the ultimate guide

How to set a writing goal: the ultimate guide

Writing goals are important because they give you something to aim for. They give you the structure, direction and clarity you need to keep moving forwards with your project. However, the wrong goal can become a millstone that demotivates and leads to delay, and make...