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How to keep writing using rewards

How to keep writing using rewards

Whatever you’re writing it’s important to keep motivated and keep moving forward. That’s when rewards can power up your writing productivity. However, there’s more to rewards than treating yourself to a big slice of cake after crafting the perfect sentence. Find out...
Overcome distraction with obstacle thinking

Overcome distraction with obstacle thinking

Many things get in the way of writing – from the siren call of social media to children clamouring for attention. Find out what obstacles writers face and how to battle your distraction with obstacle thinking. Learn to WOOP with some help from video games. The...
Do you believe in writing myths?

Do you believe in writing myths?

You’d never call Cheryl Strayed a shirker. Today, her books regularly hit the bestseller lists, her memoir Wild was made into an Oscar-nominated film. She’s successful and prolific by any measure. But for years she was stuck – she didn’t write a thing. She judged...