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How to grow your writing grit and perseverance

How to grow your writing grit and perseverance

Starting a new creative project is such a buzz, but sticking with it sucks. Some people seem blessed with marathon-level endurance needed to complete long-term goals while the rest of us flit from idea to idea. But, take heart! Research shows that perseverance isn’t...
Why mastery matters and writers should stretch themselves

Why mastery matters and writers should stretch themselves

Being creative makes us happy – that’s true – but not just because we just enjoy dreaming up new ideas and having flights of fancy. Research tells us that what we really love about creativity is mastering something that is important to us – stretching ourselves...
How to use controlled breaking to beat your distractions

How to use controlled breaking to beat your distractions

For the writer wanting to focus on their work rather than Twitter, there’s a plethora of internet-blocking software offering ‘distraction free writing’. But rather than becoming distracted by researching the best distraction-free apps, you need a strategy to make sure...
The 10 opposing character traits of highly creative people

The 10 opposing character traits of highly creative people

Psychologist and author of the bestselling book Flow, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, thinks that highly creative people aren’t like us. But he doesn’t buy into the idea of the creative genius either. People who are highly creative don’t have special minds, but they do have...
The creative power of walking and exercise

The creative power of walking and exercise

Creative types – especially writers – love a good walk. Charles Dickens and Virginia Woolf were avid city strollers whilst Wallace Stevens wrote his poetry walking to work: “I write best when I can concentrate and I do that best whilst walking,” he said....