by Bethany Scott | Oct 20, 2018
In a mad dash to make it to the 11:59, November 30th finish line, writers must use as many underhanded (and over handed) tactics they can think of to overcome their inner critics and write 50,000 words to earn a place in the hallowed National Novel Writing Month...
by Chris Smith | May 9, 2018
If you’ve ever missed a deadline the planning fallacy may well be the culprit. It’s the tendency we have to underestimate the time it will take us to complete something – whilst knowing full well that similar tasks have taken longer in the past....
by Chris Smith | May 1, 2018
How do writing scholars – people who write about writing, teach writing skills and research writing behaviours – get down to write themselves? To find out we spoke to academic Christine Tulley, author of a new and original Paris Review-style book on scholarly writing,...
by Chris Smith | Apr 24, 2018
The path to excellence in any field comes through hard graft – that’s true. But research finds that scholars at the very top of their game are also highly prolific, deeply curious, with multiple, unrelated (and often quite bonkers) creative hobbies. So, if you want to...
by Chris Smith | Mar 13, 2018
How do you become a productive academic writer, scholar or researcher? At Prolifiko, we’ve been working with The London School of Economics’ Impact blog to explain the findings of our research into academic writing. This is what we found. Today, scholars are under...
by Bec Evans | Jan 17, 2018
Writers’ block hits – you’re overwhelmed and paralysed by the fear you’ll never write again, let alone be productive and build a regular writing routine. Do you give up or take action? Find out how novelist Jenn Ashworth created...